Cooperative product with TSNK-lab MIREA (Moscow).
Function: For modern scientific research works of digital radiography, processing and visualization of inspection results. It is very important that there was realized image acquisition in several energy ranges (dual energy mode), that make possible the test object material identification by density and atomic number and essentially increase capability to detect drugs and explosives.
Resume: In educational part SECVIS is used to realize a program of technical expert training in region of inspection technologies, and also to rise professional skills and expert retraining in region of NDT and radiation safety to operate devices generating ionizing radiation.
Main Technical Characteristics:
- Energy of X-ray source 4-9 MeV.
- Number of detectors 864.
- Distance from radiation source to detector array 4.2 m.
- Height of inspected object up to 2.5 m.
- Size of one detector 5×6×35 mm3.
- Spatial resolution 3 mm at center of inspected object.
- Reduction of radiation dose for test object and for maintenance staff.
- Option to use dual energy mode, which allow to recognize specific types of test object materials.